Teaching and Innovation

Image où l'on voit un élève et son enseignant qui l'aide à comprendre un problème.

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Innovation at Vanguard School can be summed up by our desire to respond ever more effectively to the needs of our struggling students.

Even with our expertise, we are constantly looking for new solutions to improve our methods and the effectiveness of our approaches. Our school is a kind of laboratory, a place of initiative, experimentation, and flexibility. This culture is nourished by a concern for continuous training and de facto scientific advances that will help us better reach our students. Our goal is to constantly improve quality and efficiency with the sole purpose of making a difference in the lives of each of our students.

This desire for change also involves the use of technology. In this regard, our milieu regularly offers workshops on educational applications that can improve teaching practice. We also create work contexts that allow us to discuss current topics in techno-pedagogy (flipped classroom, variation in forms of feedback with the contribution of technology, etc.).

Support for the integration of technology is also offered to the school to guide teachers toward the educational integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). This structure makes it possible to promote a collaborative information monitoring space and continue to provide the school with educational applications of information and communication technologies. It also allows for a coherent linkage of the tools used by all of the school’s personnel.

Our environment is therefore motivating and stimulating and focuses on the acquisition of knowledge for both the students and our specialized personnel.

As a teacher, you would like the opportunity to be part of our team of special education experts.

You want to make a real difference with students.

We have a place for you.

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The deployment of our specialized services

Vanguard School is a unique model in its ability to reconcile the programs prescribed by the Ministry of Education while responding to the different learning difficulties of our students. This model is put into practice daily through the application of the following principles:

A human being who rebuilds themselves through our actions

All measures are implemented to support the student and their motivation. At Vanguard School, students learn to know themselves, accept their differences, and equip themselves to compensate for their difficulties. In this environment, the student is supported, guided, and respected. They understand their value.

At the same time, the student becomes aware that they can achieve academic success and that they have more and more control over their learning. A new and more positive identity emerges. Gradually, they envisage even greater successes, including the eventual awarding of their high school diploma. Despite their differences, they become winners with similar future aspirations as other students in the province.

Specialized personnel who provide personalized interventions

The student is at the heart of our interventions and benefits from continuous support from specialized personnel; teachers generally have expertise in special education and remedial education. They are accompanied by numerous professionals, including speech therapists, psychologists, special care counsellors, psychoeducators, social workers, and sexologists.

Our multidisciplinary team shares all the information about each student’s situation, which allows us to have a common perception of the student’s difficulties and effectively determine the nature of the interventions that are required. Interventions that are sustained and personalized throughout the student’s years at school

In this context, the differences of each of our students are taken into account and lead us to diversify the content, support, and work methods. Our technological tools are also precious support (software, various applications, interactive boards, digitalization of the material, FM systems, etc.) to help the student in a learning situation and also to promote feedback in class.

A student who becomes the main actor in their learning

Vanguard’s model ensures that the student is invited into a process that allows them to become aware of their ways of learning. They are quickly led to question and reflect on their practices and how to use and improve on them. We seek to generate the development of strategies that will allow students to become competent and progress at school in all disciplines. To do this, we rely on explicit teaching that gradually leads the student to autonomy in their learning processes.

Solid planning that is representative of the student's strengths and needs

An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is a tool in which the student and the parent are at the center.

It is a personalized approach, with each student receiving an intervention adapted to their specific characteristics. In parallel to this process, the multidisciplinary team is always actively seeking solutions while ensuring that it builds on the strengths of the students.


Classe au primaire dans un cours d'art. L'enseignante montre un dessin d'une famille de Penguin à la classe.

Vanguard Elementary School is:

264 students: 180 in the French sector and 84 in the English sector. Students aged 8 to 13 are guided by resource teachers, speech therapists, and dedicated teachers trained in special education. They promote differentiated instruction and targeted and adapted interventions to support the students entrusted to them in their academic progress.

  • Team of professionals composed of speech therapists, psychoeducators, and specialized educators who put their expertise at the service of the students, working in collaboration with the parents to promote the optimal development of the learner.
  • Teachers specializing in remedial education, the arts, physical education, and second language teaching accompany the children by promoting their passions and interests.
  • Support staff in the daycare service; dynamic animators concerned with instilling values such as self-respect and respect for others.
  • An administrative team is made up of a school secretary and a principal who are committed to meeting everyone’s needs.

Elementary School Calendar 2024-2025

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Elementary School Calendar 2025-2026

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Daycare service is available year-round.

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High School

On voit un group d'élève en classe assis de dos avec leur enseignante au tableau entrain d'écrire une explication.

Vanguard High School is:

912 students: 664 in the French sector and 248 in the English sector. Students aged 12 to 18 are guided by resource teachers, speech therapists, and dedicated teachers trained in special education. They promote differentiated instruction and targeted and adapted interventions to support the students entrusted to them in their academic progress.

  • A team of professionals composed of speech therapists, psychologists, and special care counsellors puts their expertise at the service of students, working in collaboration with parents to promote the learner’s optimal development.
  • Teachers specializing in remedial education, the arts, physical education, and second language teaching accompany the students by promoting their passions and interests.
  • Support and administrative employees working in student life, school organization, transportation, finance, and human resources… and concerned with transmitting values aimed at respect for oneself and others.

An administrative team is made up of a school secretary and a principal who are committed to meeting everyone’s needs.

The pride of our school is that we are an environment where learning is at the heart of all interventions and where a team composed of students, parents, and staff members is united toward a common goal: to work with students so that they have access to the necessary resources to learn and experience important academic and personal successes.

High School Calendar 2024-2025

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High School Calendar 2025-2026

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The goal of the drama class is to build self-esteem in our students and have them experience success in front of a large audience. For this reason, we have developed a musical theatre program that perfectly meets this objective. Supported by state-of-the-art equipment and professional learning space, we can create a quality show where students sing, dance, perform, and excel. The kind of project you never forget.

Welcome to the wonderful world of performance!

Specific work-oriented programs (French High School only)

Classe découverte (French High School only)

This program was designed for students whose academic progress was difficult in elementary school, despite the support and approaches of our specialized teachers. Students who, early in their schooling, were under a significant amount of cognitive overload, leading to the need to alleviate the content of programs and expectations. In this sense, a differentiated curriculum was established. Thus, each student progresses at their own pace. The group usually comprises 6–12 students per class, depending on the year.

In this program, an emphasis is placed on specific academic content to help make the student functional:

  • Communication and language development (developing vocabulary, language functions, strategies for regulating interactions, and other elements related to comprehension, such as figurative language, deductions and inferences, understanding humour, etc.);
  • Increase the repertoire of strategies related to reading and writing;
  • Use mathematical language in a variety of real-life experiences.

Content is supplemented by several complementary subjects: English, science, geography and history, art and physical education.

Another important part of this program is related to self-knowledge and practical training 

  • Discovery and projection of oneself in the future (my strengths, my interests, etc.);
  • Determine my possibilities (e.g.: researching occupations, qualities required for the job market, and consideration of current practices and responsibilities);
  • Volunteering in their community;
  • Discovery of the world of work (practical knowledge activities that take place in the Interval kitchen),
  • Personal development (social skills development, conflict management, self-esteem, etc.)

It is important to note that this course allows access at age 15 to both the FPT (Vocational Training) if the student remains at an elementary academic level and the FMS (Semi-Skilled Trade) if the student begins the academic content of secondary school.

Interval Program

For our students who cannot complete their elementary or Cycle 1 high school education, we offer a program aimed at developing skills related to the job market so that these students can also find a path to a future.

This program began in 1996 following a series of questions about the results and low academic motivation of certain students, who were then 16 years old. Since no food service existed at the school, Mr. Stéphane Lamontagne and his colleague, Nancy St-Martin, created a school cafeteria service operated entirely by the students and teachers assigned to this group.

Even today, this “small business” relies on this entrepreneurial formula to develop personal and professional autonomy among some twenty students. More than 250 meals are served every day.

Our program, which fully complies with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, is distinguished by its family and human approach, as illustrated by the presence of three special education teachers who work with our students daily, as well as a speech therapist and a special care counsellor who join the program a few times a week. The mandate of all these interveners is to help our students progress in the different basic subjects (French, mathematics, and English) and complementary subjects, to identify their professional profile and their skills, to develop the basic competencies necessary to hold a job, and for some, to certify their work as a kitchen helper.

Our program also distinguishes itself by the nature of its internships, the first of which is within our company, which allows the student to be introduced to the reality of the work world and its requirements without worrying, and this is in the continuous presence of our staff. The second is to provide a full-time external internship experience rather than an alternating one (2 days of class and 3 days of internship), as other educational institutions do. This approach facilitates the retention of learning in the workplace and is well-received by our partner companies.

© École Vanguard School. Tous droits réservés 2024

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